
Run cluster check

To diagnose abnormal behavior, a good first step is to run fluvio cluster check, which checks against common problems and misconfigurations.

If everything is configured properly, you should see a result like this:

$ fluvio cluster check
Running pre-startup checks...
     ✅ Kubernetes config is loadable
     ✅ Supported kubernetes version is installed
     ✅ Supported helm version is installed
     ✅ Can create service
     ✅ Can create customresourcedefinitions
     ✅ Can create secret
     ✅ Fluvio system charts are installed
🎉 All checks passed!
You may proceed with cluster startup
next: run `fluvio cluster start`


To discover errors, you should examine logs from the following components:



kubectl logs -l app=fluvio-sc


kubectl logs -l app=spu

Handling Bugs


Records logs and create and GitHub Issue

In the event of a bug in Fluvio, we appreciate if you could save the log output to file and create a GitHub Issue.


Reach out to community



Restart Pods

To attempt to recover from the bug, you can try restarting the K8s pods.

kubectl delete pod -l app=fluvio-sc
kubectl delete pod -l app=spu

Fluvio pods are created by either Deployments or StatefulSets. Therefore deleting them will automatically cause new pods to be started.