
fluvio update

This command performs a self-update for the Fluvio CLI and any plugins supplied as arguments.

Update the Fluvio CLI

Usage: fluvio update [OPTIONS] [PLUGINS]...

          (Optional) the name of one or more plugins to update

          Update to the latest prerelease rather than the latest release

          Print output for update process but do not install updates

      --target <TARGET>
          override default target arch determination

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Example usage:

$ fluvio update
🎣 Fetching latest version for fluvio...
⏳ Downloading Fluvio CLI with latest version: x.y.z...
🔑 Downloaded and verified package file
✅ Successfully updated /.fluvio/bin/fluvio
🔧 Preparing update for 2 plugins:
   - fluvio-run (/.fluvio/extensions/fluvio-run)
   - fluvio-cloud (/.fluvio/extensions/fluvio-cloud)
⏳ Downloading plugin fluvio-run with version x.y.z
🔑 Downloaded and verified package file
✅ Successfully updated fluvio/fluvio-run: x.y.z at (/.fluvio/extensions/fluvio-run)
⏳ Downloading plugin fluvio-cloud with version x.y.z
🔑 Downloaded and verified package file
✅ Successfully updated fluvio/fluvio-cloud:x.y.z at (/.fluvio/extensions/fluvio-cloud)